We are at a time of massive change in our towns, cities and communities across the UK. The speed at which we need to evolve is unprecedented and the support required to do so needs to respond accordingly. We can no longer rely on individual organisations or local authorities to provide that support but must come together to help each other.
Revive and Thrive is above all, a community, free to join, for all those passionate about place. We believe that by working together across boundaries, where businesses, professionals, community groups, residents and Councillors share the common goal of creating better, more vibrant and resilient places to live and work, we can achieve the most.
In recent years, times have been exceptionally hard for many and are not improving with any great speed, especially for our friends in local authorities who are continuing to see cuts and are concerned daily about their job security. Small businesses up and down our high streets are struggling to make ends meet and many young people are facing multi-generational unemployment.
At the same time, there are glimmers of hope everywhere. Individuals, companies and organisations, like those in the Revive and Thrive business group, Partnership and Community are finding innovative ways to breathe new life into empty shops, bring people into unpromising places, motivate and reward steps towards new employment, enable the dreams of entrepreneurs, empower those who feel they have no say, to have a voice and more. Every day new businesses and partners that can help towns and cities to thrive are coming forward, there are solutions.
The town teams, business improvement districts, chambers of commerce, community groups, all the people and places who are seizing on these solutions are keen to share learning and experience so that we can quickly and effectively get to where we want to be. I am honoured and humbled to be asked to lead such a group and look forward, with great anticipation to the future for us all.
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