InStreatham BID to promote Streatham High Road nationally as a destination for retail.

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InStreatham Business Improvement District has appointed Revive & Thrive Ltd to raise the profile of the town centre firmly placing the longest high street in Europe, on a national stage.  As well as running the marketing and events for Streatham, Revive & Thrive will be instreatham_1building a business case for new retailers to invest in Streatham High Road.

Revive & Thrive has at its heart a group of UK wide town centre practitioners covering multiple disciplines as well as a Business Group which offers innovative solutions to UK towns and cities.  Recently the company ran a nationwide competition for town and city centres called the Revive & Thrive Challenge which saw a prize valued at £191,000 being awarded at Earls Court to Wyre Borough Council in March 2014.

Revive & Thrive will be using a combination of national and local expertise to deliver the project in Streatham creating a blend of UK wide best practice with local passion and knowledge.

InStreatham BID Manager, Louise Abbotts said “Revive and Thrive offers a unique opportunity to Streatham.  Their ability to work with local partners to bring innovative projects and events to Streatham combined with their skills in showcasing towns as a target for inward investment from new retailers is a really exciting opportunity for InStreatham BID and its retailers.”

Mark Barnes, Revive & Thrive Managing Director and lead on the Streatham project said “We are very pleased to have this opportunity to work in Streatham.  We look forward to bringing ideas to the town from other UK high streets and mixing them with local passion.”  He added “At Revive & Thrive the team has many years of experience in regeneration nationally, but the key to success in Streatham is for us to be able to work with the community and local retailers to deliver the outcomes that really work for the town.”

Mark would welcome ideas and discussion with retailers and the wider community and is urging people to contact him on or .  Mark is also interested in hearing what retailers the local community would like to see in Streatham High Road.

You can find out more about Revive & Thrive at and follow the company on Twitter via


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